Ground Control – Comprehensive roof and rib support plan and mine layout reviews plus recommendations for both operating and proposed mines.


Operation – In-depth operational reviews and recommendations for improvements in continuous miner, bolter miner and longwall equipment systems. Similar reviews and recommendations have been made for surface (opencast) mines and highwall mining systems worldwide.

Downtime Analysis (Maintenance) - Data gathering on continuous miner and longwall systems to evaluate efficiencies, and recommended alternate new equipment and operating modifications for productivity improvements.


Training - Trained management, supervisors and equipments operators in the safe and efficient methods of operating continuous miners, roof bolters, bolter miners, battery coal haulers, diesel ram cars, shuttle cars, continuous haulage, longwall mining systems and highwall mining systems.

Mine Visits - Coordinated and hosted over 115 groups since 1993 travelling to the USA and South Africa for visiting underground and surface (opencast) coal and metal/non-metal mines to observe equipment in highly productive mining systems, including classroom training in all areas of mine management and mining systems.

Risk Assessment - Conducted over 1050 site visits at underground and surface mines plus surface facilities to determine risk exposure related to workers compensation, general liability, fleet, equipment and excess liability coverages.

Simulations – Performed mine-wide ventilation, operational cycle-time and ground control simulations.

Equipment Manufacturers - Assisted equipment manufactures in presenting their equipment and products for new mining methods and new technologies worldwide.

Legal – Information reviews and expert witness testimony in litigation of mine safety and accident related matters.